Michael G Schwern wrote:
Mark Berryman wrote:
More and more of the modules I  need to install in Perl generate a
message similar to the following:

$ perl makefile.pl
==> ExtUtils::AutoInstall 0.52 required. Install it from CPAN? [Y/n]

If I understand correctly, this is a module that automatically installs
dependencies from CPAN, which currently does not work in VMS.  What
options do I have to get such modules installed (I'd do them manually if
I knew how).

Fix it?  What's broken about it on VMS?  There's a distinct lack of VMS bug 
reports in its bug queue and I have a commit bit.

Otherwise the META.yml file will list a module's dependencies for manual 
Determining a module's dependencies is not the problem. In fact, I had already installed all of this particular module's dependencies before I even attempted to install the module. Attempting to install the module results in the following:
$ perl makefile.pl
==> ExtUtils::AutoInstall 0.52 required. Install it from CPAN? [Y/n] n
Can't locate ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm in @INC (@INC contains: perl_root:[lib. VMS_AXP.5_8_6] perl_root:[lib] perl_root:[lib.site_perl.VMS_AXP] perl_root:[lib. site_perl] /perl_root/lib/site_perl .) at makefile.pl line 34, <STDIN> line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at makefile.pl line 46, <STDIN> line 1.
%SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file

Obviously, I can't install it directly from CPAN so I download it and attempt to install it myself. I fetch the version available on CPAN and:
$ cd extutils-autoinstall-0_63
$ perl makefile.pl
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Module::Install::autoinstall" (per haps you forgot to load "Module::Install::autoinstall"?) at inc/Module/Install.p
m - /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Module/Install.pm line 269.

This was all encountered on a vanilla install of the HP 5.8.6 kit.

Mark Berryman

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