Craig Berry wrote:
>>> Fix it?  What's broken about it on VMS?  There's a distinct lack of VMS bug 
>>> reports in its bug queue and I have a commit bit.
> The "it" that doesn't work on VMS is CPAN (the module, not the archive), not 
> necessarily ExtUtils::AutoInstall (though I'm not sure about that either).  
> Fixing either one might well be non-trivial.  Reporting bugs certainly can't 
> hurt, though there are very few CPAN authors with the ability and inclination 
> to reproduce and fix VMS-specific bugs.  But the main problem is that none of 
> the observed symptoms give us any idea which module to report a bug against.

When in doubt, start with the top.  Report it to

>>> Otherwise the META.yml file will list a module's dependencies for manual 
>>> installation.
>> Determining a module's dependencies is not the problem.  In fact, I had 
>> already installed all of this particular module's dependencies before I 
>> even attempted to install the module.  Attempting to install the module 
>> results in the following:
>> $ perl
>> ==> ExtUtils::AutoInstall 0.52 required. Install it from CPAN? [Y/n] n
>>    Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
> What module did this happen with?  Since ExtUtils::AutoInstall is supposed to 
> be included in every module that uses it, it seems like a bug to require a 
> higher version of it than the one it comes with.

There is a documented option to ship a nasty, compressed block of code to 
self-install ExtUtils::AutoInstall which has little hope of working most 
anywhere but Unix.  I suspect its using that or one of the many earlier 
versions (*sigh* cut & code).

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