On Wednesday, October 18, 2006, at 09:33AM, Mark Berryman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Michael G Schwern wrote:
>> Mark Berryman wrote:
>>> More and more of the modules I  need to install in Perl generate a
>>> message similar to the following:
>>> $ perl makefile.pl
>>> ==> ExtUtils::AutoInstall 0.52 required. Install it from CPAN? [Y/n]
>>> If I understand correctly, this is a module that automatically installs
>>> dependencies from CPAN, which currently does not work in VMS.  What
>>> options do I have to get such modules installed (I'd do them manually if
>>> I knew how).
>> Fix it?  What's broken about it on VMS?  There's a distinct lack of VMS bug 
>> reports in its bug queue and I have a commit bit.
>> http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=ExtUtils-AutoInstall

The "it" that doesn't work on VMS is CPAN (the module, not the archive), not 
necessarily ExtUtils::AutoInstall (though I'm not sure about that either).  
Fixing either one might well be non-trivial.  Reporting bugs certainly can't 
hurt, though there are very few CPAN authors with the ability and inclination 
to reproduce and fix VMS-specific bugs.  But the main problem is that none of 
the observed symptoms give us any idea which module to report a bug against.

>> Otherwise the META.yml file will list a module's dependencies for manual 
>> installation.
>Determining a module's dependencies is not the problem.  In fact, I had 
>already installed all of this particular module's dependencies before I 
>even attempted to install the module.  Attempting to install the module 
>results in the following:
>$ perl makefile.pl
>==> ExtUtils::AutoInstall 0.52 required. Install it from CPAN? [Y/n] n
>    Can't locate ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 

What module did this happen with?  Since ExtUtils::AutoInstall is supposed to 
be included in every module that uses it, it seems like a bug to require a 
higher version of it than the one it comes with.  

>Obviously, I can't install it directly from CPAN so I download it and 
>attempt to install it myself.  I fetch the version available on CPAN and:
>$ cd extutils-autoinstall-0_63
>$ perl makefile.pl
>Can't locate object method "new" via package 
>"Module::Install::autoinstall" (per
>haps you forgot to load "Module::Install::autoinstall"?) at 
>m - /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Module/Install.pm line 269.

One of several confusing things about ExtUtils::AutoInstall is that it comes 
with a Makefile.PL but isn't supposed to be built and installed like a normal 
module.  If you read the README you will discover that you have to manually 
copy it into the inc directory of the module you are installing.  The module 
author is supposed to have done that already, but apparently didn't in this 

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