
Good, and I mean GOOD, engineering makes an item to run at least 2 x the design 
lifetime.  This is not very common in commercial consumer applications.  It is 
more come in industrial applications and most common in defense applications.  
Some cars have warranties that approach this objective.   I was well involved 
in such conservatism in my early years of engineering new technology power 
systems that worked. 

I believe Darden and Rossi want to assure a good consumer commercial 
application of the IP of IH.  It does not surprise me that they do not load the 
reactor with “too much fuel”.  Longer life will come with operating experience 
and demonstrated need.  It is always a good idea to design in scheduled 
maintenance, even though it may not be required in the long run.  It allows a 
time to check performance.  

I doubt Jed’s conclusion that, “I suspect they may be engineering the thing to 
need a new fuel module as often as possible....” 

IMHO IH is not designing the lifetime to maximize future income.  Rossi’s 
statements in the past have been to make the devices cheap so that competition 
is not encouraged and the reasonable cost is available to the World to improve 
humanity as soon as possible.  Darden seems to have professed this same idea at 
ICCF-19.  I doubt they will be bought out.  

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Whopper of the Week

I gather this is with regard to Rossi's claims. I do not take his claims 
seriously. I think they are more stream-of-consciousness than lies. 

Jones Beene <> wrote:

  Whopper of the Week

  1)     140 patents in progress

How do you know this is not true? There is a lot of money behind Rossi. "In 
progress" can mean a lot of things. It could mean people are drafting patents 
(which does not cost much), or it could mean patents they have actually been 
filed (which costs a lot).

  2)     Direct electricity or heat – either one or both

  3)     Jet engine application

Implausible at best.

  4)     Fully Robotic factory to make fuel wafers

Is he saying there is such a factory? Or that they are planning one. I am 
pretty sure there is no factory at present.

  5)     Reactor hotter on outside than inside

He says this is because of EM fields. That is plausible. It is not a violation 
of any law. The sun is hotter on the outside corona layer than the inside.

  6)     No fuel module replaced in last 300 days

That's entirely likely. I see no reason to doubt this. Any cold fusion device 
should be able to run that long. When the technology matures, they should go 
for years.

The only surprising thing about this is how short the duration is. I suspect 
they may be engineering the thing to need a new fuel module as often as 
possible. In the old days we would say they are hoping to sell the razor at 
cost and then make money selling the blades. Nowadays it would be selling the 
printer at cost and then profiting on the ink cartridges.

- Jed

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