Definition of “whopper”

1.       something unusually large or otherwise extreme of its kind

2.       an extravagant or monstrous lie.


Which one applies here? 


Let me make one thing clear. LENR (the field of inquiry) is … or should be what 
we seek to support – not a controversial inventor and certainly not some kind 
of warped hero-worship. LENR is valid, even if Rossi proves to be a con-man, 
and that could easily be the case.

It is astounding that Rothwell can admit on the one hand: “I do not take his 
claims seriously. I think they are more stream-of-consciousness than lies,” and 
then proceed to defend those extreme claims which have no basis in fact and 
make serious scientists think everyone here is a crank.


This lack of character in a main player is not the way science should proceed. 
We demand personal integrity in scientists – and Rossi provides almost none. It 
is a huge mistake to believe that a failure by Rossi dooms the field. 


In fact, that scenario is exactly my expectation. We will see AR implode this 
Spring, and shortly thereafter, we will see LENR blossom –despite his failure 
and the extreme funk of the loyal followers.


Put simply- there is ample evidence in the reality of LENR but there is no 
valid scientific evidence that Rossi has ever demonstrated a megawatt device, 
nor even a watt device at high gain, nor that he even has a real “customer” who 
is hosting a year-long demo. This could all be a product of an unscrupulous 
sociopath’s imagination, along with the silent cooperation of gullible 
investors, who may face legal problems over their lack of proper vetting. 


As the time for approaches for that long-awaited report on this mystery device, 
we are probably seeing the expected signs of an artful-dodger and something 
like the old bait-and-shift. That is … if Rossi knows there will be no positive 
report which can be independently verified then he will vigorously attempt to 
deflect the expected criticism by this ploy which he is testing out now. 
Possibly, he will say that he has switched to a new and much better design or 
blah, blah, blah… and blame the lack of the report on Cherokee/IH or someone 
else. The situation is starting to stink already.


Do not put you faith in Rossi. Instead look to the 25 year history of LENR and 
an evolving understanding of a valid field - which will mature and florish, 
with or without the assorted con-artists. My expectation is that it will be 
“without Rossi” but if not, all the better. Maybe he is a genius, a master chef 
selling the whopper … the one which is not a lie and not even bragging, just an 
indigestible slab of greasy beef served up by the only one to understand. 


In short, no one can be sure that Rossi is not the hi-tech messiah that his 
loyal fans seem to believe. Either way, we should know fairly soon. But if 
there is no positive independent report which can be verified, than Rossi’s 
memory should be dumped faster than you can say Defkalion. Who were they, 






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