Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Plus, there is way too much disinformation floating around about how much
> and to whom. We simply do not know how much actually went to IH as
> opposed to Cherokee.
Yeah, I sure don't know. Do you? Have you read the correspondence between
Rossi, IH, and Woodford? Do you know what tests have been performed, and
who did them? If you do not know these things, I think you have no basis
for all this speculation here about how awful Rossi is, and why he compares
to Bernie Madoff.

I do not think your speculation causes harm, and I doubt the people at IH
or that Rossi cares, but you do make yourself look a little silly.

Let me put it this way. A few years ago you and others were predicting that
Rossi would soon be found out as a fraud, and he would disappear. You were
not predicting that powerful, experience people such as the ones at IH
would be putting millions into his R&D. Are you not taken aback at this
turn of events? Do you not feel a little less confident in your
condemnation of Rossi?

You stick to your predictions as if nothing has happened. Maybe you are
right. I wouldn't know. But I would not be so self assured if every
prediction I made for the last several years apparently turned out to be
wrong. You remind me a little of pundits who keep saying, month after
month, that The Donald has reached the upper limit of his support and he
will soon self-destruct and go away. They said that at 10%, 20%, 30% . . .
At 36% there is no sign of it yet. If I were a political pundit, at this
stage I would stop making those predictions.

The only thing I know for sure about Rossi is that over the years several
experts have tested his systems in his absence, and they have confirmed
that the machines sometimes produce kilowatt levels of excess heat. They do
not want to publish these findings, but I have seen them. They are based on
conventional HVAC techniques, and at power levels easy to confirm, so I
expect they are right. It seems to me that fact is more significant than
Rossi's odd pronouncements on his blog. I do not know what to make of those
pronouncements, but I do know what to make of flowing water, conventional
flow meters, and thermocouples.

- Jed

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