A pulse, as described by Mark is consistent with the accumulation of a 
population of dense hydrogen, up to a threshold level, followed by a high 
energy event (could be nuclear or not).



From: Mark Jurich 


  Stephen Cooke wrote:

  “Was it confirmed the pulse was only a few seconds? I thought they only 
spotted it in the spectrum at the end of longer session but are not sure 
exactly when and how long it lasted once initiated?”


We (MFMP/myself) believe that there was a few second burst about 3 minutes at 
the end of Spectrum #7. The evidence for this is circumstantial.  We know that 
the Power Analyzer “hiccupped” for a few seconds (3 or 4) then recovered at 
this time.  We also know that Spectrums #8 had some residual radiation, 
suggesting that the emissions continued for at least 3 or 4 minutes.  We also 
see something in Spectrum #10, later.


We know that in Spectrum #7, there was a significant rise in “pulse overlap” 
hence the burst hypothesis.


Until we replicate, we will not be able to really pin all this down.


I hope this helps clarify what is currently known. Stay tuned.


- Mark Jurich

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