
I am interested in the ideas you have put forth below.  

It would be nice if you were to add some references to the documents you have 
that substantiate the various ideas.  For example I am not familiar with the 
notion of a magnetic beam.  Magnetic fields are the classical notion of what 
you may be calling a magnetic beam.  Does the beam shine out at a certain 
velocity?  Is the beam made of particles as suggested by the term beam?  Are 
the particles virtual particles in a virtual monopole beam since they seem to 
originate from virtual quarks.  A reference to Twister theory would be nice. 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:38 AM
To: vortex-l 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Bremsstrahlung experimental note

There is a BIG difference between optical cavities and SPPs in that SPPs are 
spinners and optical cavities are not. The SPP produces a monopole magnetic 
beam. That is a quantum energy pathway into the SPP where nuclear energy is 
transferred into the SPP directly through entanglement. This is called energy 
teleportation. The nuclear energy that is generated in the LENR reaction is 
transferred magnetically between the nucleus and the SPP.

Because the SPP is an analog monopole, it is governed by non-associative 
quantum mechanics. This is difficult stuff to understand and might allow the 
teleportation of neutrons and protons in addition to energy.

IMHO, Twistor theory is involved in LENR. It was first proposed by Roger 
Penrose in 1967. He has been working on this stuff for 50 years and did make 
much progress until he began to use non-associative quantum mechanics.

The protons and neutrons in the nucleus contain quarks and they are monopole 
spinners, When the SPP monopole beam enters the nucleus, it causes the protons 
and neutrons to decay. They decay into mesons. These mesons produce on decay 
all kinds of pions and muons that disrupt nuclear material in and around the 
monopole beam. This is where all those mesons and electrons are coming from in 
Holmlids experiments and Rossi’s XCat.

Also hexagonal crystals get involved such as metalize hydrogen as an SPP 
accumulation and concentration mechanism. The SPP monopole covering makes these 
crystals indestructible. How that magnetic shield works, I do not understand 

I have documents on all this stuff if you are interested in more detail. 

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 6:06 AM, Stephen Cooke <> 

  Many thanks Axil it's a very good paper and both you and Mark in your two 
responses answered my questions very well.

  It's very very interesting that Hawking radiation could be generated from 
plasmons in this way. 

  I still need to study it in detail but I notice that they say that these 
cavities can work with light of any frequency not just infra red and optical is 
in normal lasers. Does this literally mean it can absorb high energy gamma as 
well? Or are they emphasising it can work at other higher frequencies than IR 
and Optical but not necessarily up to gamma.

  I'm curious because as far as I can see with normal plasmons the plasma 
frequency is a few eV 15 eV for Nickel for example. This may be increased 
slightly if the nickel atoms are heavily ionised some how but still would be In 
the 10 or low 100s eV maximum. This is due to the sqrt relationship electron 
density in metals. Even if we take Dirac plasmons into account and the material 
is generating 2D or 1D electron flow the plasma frequency drops slightly due to 
a more reduced effect of the electron density. So wouldn't plasmons not absorb 
photons above the plasma frequency energy?

  If what I say above is correct then only degenerate materials such as occur 
in White dwarf stars would have sufficient electron density to have a plasmon 
frequency in the 1 keV or 10s keV range maybe up to a hundred or so keV range 

  Interestingly it could be that UDH and UDD with atomic separations of a few 
pm could maybe have sufficient electron density for this. This might be 
important to Holmlids. Results if UHD is implicated directly or if it surrounds 
nano clusters thereby containing  emissions below a few 10s keV within. This 
could be important for K shell electron stimulation, auger X Ray emission or 
nucleus stimulation effects. 

  (I wonder if UDH and UDD is in some way a little piece of a white dwarf star! 
;) ) 

  But if I understand right even degenerate matter would not absorb gamma in 
the MeV range.

  Is this correct or is the absorption due to another process or is the 
electron density enhanced massively somehow due to cavitation I wonder. Or is 
it only a analogue black hole to light below these plasma frequency 
frequencies? To be fair probably I need to study the paper more to fully 
understand what I am missing.

  Even lower energy plasma frequency and light absorption could be important 
even if it extends only to low energy X-rays or UV. And similar Hawking 
radiation effects could still be relevant. This could also still have an impact 
on electron transmission emission from atoms and absorption perhaps leading to 
atomic scale stimulation effects especially in the bulk. Or Bremsstrahlung at 
the most intense low energy frequencies perhaps leading to electron plasma 
thermal excitation.

  On 12 mrt. 2016, at 07:48, Axil Axil <> wrote:

    Cavity Optical Pulse Extraction: ultra-short pulse generation as seeded 
Hawking radiation

    This article shows how a Dark Mode optical cavity (which is what an SPP 
really is) can absorb light and store it, then later release it as Hawking 
radiation (heat) at a latter time. The optical cavity acts as a black hole. 

    I say that all these "Dark Mode" objects share a dualism with the 
astronomical black hole which allows them to do unexpected things like catalyze 

    On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 5:48 PM, Stephen Cooke <> 

      Hi Axil a couple of quick questions?

      Was it confirmed the pulse was only a few seconds? I thought they only 
spotted it in the spectrum at the end of longer session but are not sure 
exactly when and how long it lasted once initiated?

      I have been trying to find papers and references on high energy gamma 
absorption by SPP... I suppose your dark mode plasmons could you point me to a 
reference? Also Does it require degenerate matter to form or some other method? 
I know you have circulated a lot of documents and background on the broader 
ideas about SPP but is there is one you recommend that specifically on these 

      Thanks Stephen

      On 11 mrt. 2016, at 23:16, Axil Axil <> wrote:

        Something must produce those electrons and that something (Alpha. beta} 
produces EMF energy at a well defined gamma level. 

        Bright mode release of "photons" from SPPs when they decay...before an 
SPP BEC becomes active. 

        On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Bob Cook <> 


          Bremsstrahlung radiation is due to inelastic scattering of electrons 
as they pass through matter.  There are no resonances.  The radiations occurs 
as a result of an electron changing direction as a result of the electric field 
it is passing through.  This change in direction (acceleration) saps energy 
from the kinetic energy of the free electron and distributes that energy as 
electromagnetic radiation equivalent to the loss of kinetic energy of the 
electron.   The spectrum is random photons because the distance and charge of 
particles being encountered by an energetic electron is random.  Thus the 
forces on the electron, whether due to other lattice electrons or positive 
charges in the lattice are random in magnitude.

          Landau distributions of the energy of photons do not apply to free 
electrons unless they are at relativistic velocities and have an effective mass 
like a proton, pion, alpha or other heavy particle.

          What do you consider is the likely mechanism producing the  "Landau 
distribution" you suggest?  Specifically, what particles are involved in the 
generation of the spectrum?

          Bob Cook

          -----Original Message----- From: Axil Axil
          Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 10:19 AM
          To: vortex-l
          Subject: Re: [Vo]: Bremsstrahlung experimental note

          The seconds long MFMP X-ray burst is smooth and demonstrates no
          resonance energy peaks caused by the interaction of electrons with
          matter. The MFMP burst is strictly a release of photons in a random
          energy distribution.

          A Landau distribution is what we are seeing in the MFMP radiation
          plot. It is the release of energy by particles based on a random
          release process. This is seen when a particle gives up its kinetic
          energy to a thin film as the particles interact randomly with the
          matter in the thin film.

          If SPPs are releasing their energy based on a random timeframe and/or
          based on a random accumulation amount, a Landau distribution of energy
          release will be seen.

          You might see a Landau distribution if there is a random mixing of
          both low energy photons (infrared) and high energy photons (gamma's
          from the nucleus);

          Such mixing is produced by Fano resonance, where an SPPs are being fed
          by both infrared photon pumping and nuclear based gamma photon

          On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

            Electrons may have nothing to do with the x-ray radiation.

            The radiation could be produced by photon based quasiparticles.

            The LENR reaction might start with Surface Plasmon Polaritons
            initiated nuclear reactions and then after thermalization, the decay
            of those SPPs. When the SPPs decay, they release their energy 
            as photons of varng energies,

            After a second or two, a Bose condensate of these SPPs form and the
            energy of the photons are released as hawking radiation which is

            The radiation seen only lasts for a second.

            In LENR we get either high energy radiation (x-rays) or heat; not
            both. This is based on the temperature of the reactor. A cold 
            produces X-Rays because of weak SPP pumping..

            The SPP absorbs nuclear binding energy and stores it in a whispering
            gallery wave (WGW) in a dark mode. The energy is stored inside the 
            until the WGW goes to a bright mode when the SPP decays. This
            conversion from dark mode to bright mode happens in a random

            When the temperature is raised over a thermal conversion limit, a 
            is formed where the stored nuclear binding energy is released from 
            SPP BEC as hawking radiation which is thermal. 

            On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Bob Cook 
<> wrote:

              The effectiveness of the SS can at stopping any high energy 
electrons that
              cause Bremsstrahlung would depend upon the thickness of the can 
(or alumina)
              and the energy of the incident electrons.  I think the loss of 
energy per
              scattering event is proportional to Z ^2 for the nucleus that is 
doing the
              scattering.  Al at Z=13 and with  Fe at Z=26 the intensity of the
              Bremsstrahlung signal would be about a factor of 4 different.  
The mean
              length of the path of an electron is a good parameter to know for 
any given
              substance (basically its density) vs the incident energy of the 
              Shielding engineering curves provide this information I believe.  
              being significantly more dense than Al2O3 would be much better at 
              electrons and thus producing Bremsstrahlung IMHO.

              At high electron energies the change of direction of the electron 
              through SS can would be less than for a low energy electron.  For 
              electrons scattering can significantly change the direction of an 
              electron such that all Bremsstrahlung would be emitted from the 
              that stopped the electron.

              I think with a SS can present in the system vs no can and only 
              stopping the electrons, one would expect to see a more intense 
signal at
              high energy  compared to the spectrum from the Alumina reactor 
chamber. The
              absorption of the EM Bremsstrahlung by the respective media would 
also have
              to be considered.  Neither Alumina nor SS may transmit some of the
              Bremsstrahlung spectrum very well.  Thus the effective shielding 
of the EM
              radiation considering a distributed source would have to be 
evaluated for
              the resulting high energy EM and the signal intensity corrected 
              The cut off at the high energy spectrum will be a useful value to 
know to
              understand the maximum energy of the electron source.  This may 
              information about the reaction producing the electrons.   The 
change of the
              intensity of the Bremsstrahlung signal as a function of the 
magnetic field
              would also provide information as to whether or not the lattice 
              of the nano fuel was important.   One might expect that the 
electrons being
              produced by the respective LENR reaction would produced in some 

              Bob Cook
              From: Bob Higgins
              Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 6:09 AM
              Subject: [Vo]: Bremsstrahlung experimental note

              I don't know if other Vorts thought of this already... but I had 
a minor
              epiphany regarding the radiation that MFMP measured in GS5.2.  We 
              this radiation tentatively as bremsstrahlung.  This has certain
              implications.  Bremsstrahlung requires that the high speed 
electrons impact
              on a high atomic mass element so as to be accelerated/decelerated 
quickly to
              produce the radiation.  It could be that the stainless steel can 
              contained the fuel was an important component in seeing the 
              Without the can, there would still be the Ni for the electrons to 
hit, but
              the Ni is covered with light atomic mass Li.  If the electrons 
were to
              strike alumina (no fuel can present), I don't think there would 
be nearly as
              much bremsstrahlung because alumina is comprised of light 

              Thus, the stainless steel can for the fuel may be an important 
component for
              seeing the bremsstrahlung.

              Bob Higgins

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