It is not worth my time to determine the time sequence. I didn't think Murray was allowed in the plant until after the test and I expect Penon knew he was hostile by then. So even if he didn't know of the pending court case he probably didn't feel inclined to answer a third party's request for info. I wasn't there. Neither were you.

How do you know all this stuff about IH's plans?

On 8/7/2016 3:15 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    I expect Penon will answer through Rossi's lawyers.

This letter was written before Rossi filed suit. No lawyers were involved then. Penon had plenty of time to respond. He did not. Furthermore, if there was a simple error such as referencing the wrong flow meter model (as Daniel Rocha suggests) they would respond immediately, correcting the error.

    Show some evidence of these other "experts" please.  Why have they
    not made statements so far?

They have compiled a great deal more evidence. I do not know why this was not included in the papers filed by I.H. A lawyer told me this is probably part of their legal strategy. I know nothing about legal strategies so I cannot comment.

- Jed

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