The thing that makes biological transmutation work for organisms is the
fact that LENR does not produce any energy or particle radiation to harm
the organism. This fact is totally in opposition to the entire LENR meme
and is not an acceptable idea due to the decades old traditions handed down
to us through word of mouth tradition by the old guard. This tradition fly
in the face of experimental results and the benign, gentle, and inherently
safe nature of the LENR reaction.

LENR has two separate channels of activity, energy production and
transmutation. Energy production in LENR has nothing to do with
transmutation. This concept is incomprehensible to LENR followers.  LENR
shields the transmutation process from influencing the world of our
reality. The only thing that LENR produces is a stabilized product of the
transmutation process.

In LENR, energy production comes with some rare exceptions from the
extraction of vacuum energy.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 10:16 AM JonesBeene <> wrote:

> Changed subject heading --- Prior heading managed to set the record for
> worst ever example of mindless misspelling
> *From: *Axil Axil <>
>    - Replication of biologic transmutation using a chemical reaction.
> Good find. The subject of biological LENR (or at least anomalous nuclear
> processes) – found in several forms of life  and derived from evolutionary
> pressure - turns up periodically, often with the name Louis Kervran.
> This particular subject is more discomforting to skeptics of LENR than is
> cold fusion itself – mainly because there is compelling  proof and wider
> implications, which is often ignored. Notably the Wiki article above omits
> the large amount of positive evidence from US government funded research
> which is supportive of biological transmutation especially transmutation of
> potassium into calcium – where the underlying evolutionary pressure  is
> procreation (egg shells).
> I am happy to see this Chinese approach -  which shows a parallel chemical
> pathway – which offers completely  independent support to the evolutionary
> pathway which is found in avians.
> The next step could be in the insect world – especially the  butterfly
> which can navigate over vast oceans for months - including hundreds of
> miles traveled at nighttime without solar capture or weight loss. This
> capability  could  involve photoluminescence in some unknown way and
> probably SP (surface plasmons) which may be the route to hydrogen
> densification with energy derived from redundant ground states.

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