Very interesting indeed. I must go back on the road in a few days and will
not have chance to keep watching this all unfold. I did hear second hand
that Stiffler has been working on this for over 5 year and has closed the
loop sometime ago. The story was he was looking what would happen so he
started to test the waters. What I have seen on other lists though say he
really got ticked off over the response. I wonder if his last video will
show it or if he is really mad enough not to. Hope I can get a chance to
keep checking to see the outcome.

DM (Don Master)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Part 8 "Cold" electricity

DDMasters wrote:

> Am I just shallow or does vortex need to be renamed to something
> like  ..Vortex Legal.. Might better explain the group.

Sadly, this trend is endemic to more than this forum ...Kinda reflective
of two (or more) mega-societal trends in the USA- the inevitable
aftermath of the baby-boom, and the "graying of America" all of which
brings with it a certain needless conservatism, bred more of frustration
than logic, and which may have been absent here a decade ago.

Fortunately, there are still a few regressing oldsters hanging-on here,
like Richard who makes me look young ;-) but a few of whom were so
changed by the unfulfilled promise of Aquarian age, which never really
got to full bloom, that we are willing to keep a more open-mind than is
often prudent, while at the same time giving a certain amount of respect
and benefit-of-the-doubt to experience (over book-learnin')...

... and the mea culpa:

... especially when the outcome (of that open-mindedness) fits-well into
a personal agenda and theoretical framework (not well-disguised in my


Yet, of course, I am fully prepared though never expecting, to be
disappointed one more time.

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