DDMasters wrote:

Am I just shallow or does vortex need to be renamed to something
like ..Vortex Legal.. Might better explain the group.

Sadly, this trend is endemic to more than this forum ...Kinda reflective of two (or more) mega-societal trends in the USA- the inevitable aftermath of the baby-boom, and the "graying of America" all of which brings with it a certain needless conservatism, bred more of frustration than logic, and which may have been absent here a decade ago.

Fortunately, there are still a few regressing oldsters hanging-on here, like Richard who makes me look young ;-) but a few of whom were so changed by the unfulfilled promise of Aquarian age, which never really got to full bloom, that we are willing to keep a more open-mind than is often prudent, while at the same time giving a certain amount of respect and benefit-of-the-doubt to experience (over book-learnin')...

... and the mea culpa:

... especially when the outcome (of that open-mindedness) fits-well into a personal agenda and theoretical framework (not well-disguised in my case)...


Yet, of course, I am fully prepared though never expecting, to be disappointed one more time.

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