
How can you possibly think a circuit with a battery in it provides a more clear-cut case of OU than a circuit which lights LEDs with no input power at all?

Once again - let me repeat that no one has ever claimed that there is NO power input. No one has ever claimed that there is apples-to-apples OU. All that has been claimed, and it is a monumental claim, is that the photon output from the LEDs is highly anomalous, possibly orders of magnitude more than it should be, compared to the "obvious" inputs, whether it be from a sig gen, or from a ground wire. Secondly there is probably a cooling effect from the LEDs which is anomalous.

The battery was necessary, in that particular variation of the theme, to power the oscillator. The light output was orders of magnitude greater than it should have been, but the battery was not providing that output.

IF and when - how many time do I need to repeat this - the light output can be focused onto a very efficient photocell (30% eff?) - then there is every indication that NO wires and NO batteries of any kind will be needed after startup. I do not know when that will happen.

You seem to be saying that he should have waited till then.

I say absolutely NO!! this is way too important to wait, and someone out there might be able to make a major advance which he has missed. He made a major advance between video 4 and 5 which was probably even a surprise to himself. That broad level of expert input from experimentation was his hope initially. If he were out for some kind of monetary gain, he would never have released this at so early a stage.

ZPE, if it is relevant to this experiment (and let me say that Dr. Stiffler has never claimed that) is a power input. Shuman (earth) resonance is a power input, CMB is a power input, etc. The HAARP system may figure in, who knows? All we can eliminate so far, as he has said, is the AM, FM and 60-cycle.

No one knows what the effective input power is, and in one incarnation of the circuit - yes - it may come via the ground wire, but surely in Fig 16, the scope image which shows a peak current to ground from the circuit of ~450mA maximum; to minimum of of ~105mA. This is extraordinary.

Surprised someone hasn't commented that power going the wrong way is not ruled-out ;-) Had the modulation been 1 MHz lower, then yes you might possibly opine that, somehow, he has invented a super-super efficient antenna that acts as if it were mounted on the AM tower itself, but hello - even Tesla could not upshift an input frequency with an antenna.

None of my loopsticks will pick up more than a few microwatts of AM when I take then within 20 yards of an AM tower and tuned to the *exact* frequency, and yet you want to believe that he can increase this by a factor of a million? Try it yourself.

Why a ground wire is important is not known, but the fact that a self-contained setup is possible is important. Before, in another scope shot, there was an indication that the circuit requires a positive bias, but that does not seem to be the case now. Thus the battery experiment is important for that too.

DrS is way too savvy to jump onto the controversial double-battery, bedini-bearden-bandwagon. Even though, personally, I believe that there is something to that which is NOT related to chemical energy (or desulfation) in the batteries. But please do not confuse that with this.

(Or are you agreeing that the 1-wire circuit _did_ have power input?)

Of course there is a power input of some kind - which is not specific to that location. But it is not related to 60 cycle mains nor to the local AM or FM station nor to the signal generator. Nor is capacitive coupling absolutely necessary - that is all.

Nevertheless, if one can capacitive-couple to ground in any location on earth for significant power when nothing is plugged in, then who cares what name you put on it?

You seem to be expecting instant gratification and complete answers to all questions, and from an important experiment which is in its infancy, but I would suggest you have spent way too much time in objecting to the obvious things which he has already eliminated - more time actually than would have been required to go to radio shack, buy parts and tinker around yourself.

And yes, I am now tinkering around with this circuit and have not replicated video 7, but that is only indicative of one old man who is occasionally better with a keyboard than a prototyping board (mild dyslexia can result in forgivable misspellings, but unforgivable LED reversals ;-)


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