OrionWorks wrote:

Any speculation as to why 60 Minutes has decided, now, to do an
article on this subject?

They have been working on it since before ICCF14. I do not know what triggered their interest at this particular time but I know they have been in contact with many researchers such as Mike Melich over the years. People like Melich have done a lot for the field, cultivating interest in high places. The people at CBS do their homework, unlike many other reporters. It must have cost them a fortune to produce this short segment.

I would love to know whom they have interviewed. Guess we shall soon know.

Krivit's coverage mentions the person I think is most important: Robert Duncan. Not that I consider him the preeminent expert on anything like that but he is an outsider to the field which gives him credibility. Of course now that he says he believes it, the skeptics will say he is an insider who has lost all credibility.

Krivit mentioned that fellow Dwight Williams from the Discovery Channel broadcast:


I wrote about him elsewhere (or was it here?):

"This show is generally supportive, but the interviewer talks to a DOE physicist Dr. Dwight Williams, who claims that cold fusion was never replicated. Clearly he did not bother to read the peer-reviewed literature. Scientists get their information from the mass media as often as anyone. They seldom bother to look at journal papers."

- Jed

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