>From Jed,

> The people at Energetics Technology put the video preview on their front
> page:
> http://superwavefusion.com/
> This is one of the few groups of researchers in cold fusion who have a knack
> for public relations. Plus they know how to do a solid demonstration as well
> as a solid experiment. The two are not quite the same. They did a great job
> impressing Prof. Duncan! I told Tanya congratulations.
> I found something a little unexpected in the website. Click on the video
> here:
> http://superwavefusion.com/the-process/
> It is a bla, bla, bla conventional explanation of cold fusion. Then at 1:10
> (timestamp from the end of the video) it says the deuterons "begin to move
> more collectively, like a school of fish" and it gets interesting.
> I am not sure what this refers to. Perhaps the Chubb theory?

I believe I've seen this video before, or at least a variation of it.

What does Chubb's theory entail?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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