Here is the LENR-CANR news section announcement. Note that I included the link to the CBS website announcement.

CBS 60 Minutes reports on cold fusion

April 2009

The CBS newsmagazine 60 minutes will report on cold fusion on April 19, 2009. See: <>

"COLD FUSION IS HOT AGAIN - Presented in 1989 as a revolutionary new source of energy, cold fusion was quickly dismissed as junk science. But today, the buzz among scientists is that these experiments produce a real physical effect that could lead to monumental breakthroughs in energy production. Scott Pelley reports. Denise Schrier Cetta is the producer."

A detailed description of the broadcast is here: <>

CBS asked Prof. Robert Duncan to do an independent evaluation of the literature and to visit researchers and experiments. Duncan has not performed cold fusion experiments himself and had the impression that the original claims were mistaken. He now says "I am convinced that this excess-heat effect is real."

Most experts who have conducted independent evaluations of cold fusion have concluded the effect is real, notably Garwin, and Gerisher, who wrote: ""In spite of my earlier conclusion, -- and that of the majority of scientists, -- that the phenomena reported by Fleischmann and Pons in 1989 depended either on measurement errors or were of chemical origin, there is now undoubtedly overwhelming indications that nuclear processes take place in the metal alloys." See: <>

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