OrionWorks wrote:

> It is a bla, bla, bla conventional explanation of cold fusion. Then at 1:10
> (timestamp from the end of the video) it says the deuterons "begin to move
> more collectively, like a school of fish" and it gets interesting.
> I am not sure what this refers to. Perhaps the Chubb theory?

I believe I've seen this video before, or at least a variation of it.

What does Chubb's theory entail?

Honestly, God only knows -- that level of physics is far over my head -- but it sounds a bit like a school of fish to me.

It involves a bunch of deuterons with overlapping wave functions, which lose their identity and begin acting as one, sort of like people joining the Hare Krishna cult (or religion if it is tax deductible). The heat is dispersed over millions of deuterons instead of originating at a single location which is why it does not produce a sharp 24 MeV jolt in a single particle.

For more information, see Scott & Talbot Chubb's papers.

- Jed

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