Jed sez:

>> What does Chubb's theory entail?

> Honestly, God only knows -- that level of physics is far over
> my head -- but it sounds a bit like a school of fish to me.
> It involves a bunch of deuterons with overlapping wave functions,
> which lose their identity and begin acting as one, sort of like
> people joining the Hare Krishna cult (or religion if it is tax
> deductible). The heat is dispersed over millions of deuterons instead
> of originating at a single location which is why it does not produce
> a sharp 24 MeV jolt in a single particle.
> For more information, see Scott & Talbot Chubb's papers.
> - Jed

Ah, yes. The "HK" Hare Krishna hypothesis. Atoms loosing their
identity. That's as good an explanation as any I've heard! ;-)

Thanks, Jed.

Steven would-you-like-to-make-a-donation Johnson

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