where you can run into large costs is if A. you have a business.  they
force you to upper levels for unlimited.  unlimited isnt quite
B.  PROCCESOR costs.  if you have something that uses a lot of
processor power, applications, things running off of mysql databases,
ect, you can look at having to have a personal server, with several
server racks running it, and that, you can be looking at a few hundred
to a a grand or so a month.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> John Berry wrote:
>> I have heard of websites paying huge data costs and I have never
>> understood it at all.
>> While $33 a month isn't quite what I'm talking about a host such as say
>> GoDaddy charges...
>> $4.99/mo for 300GB Transfer
>> $6.99/mo for 1,500GB Transfer
>> $14.99/mo for Unlimited Transfer (and unlimited space)
> When I switched last time, I read reviews of GoDaddy and other sites and
> they said the reliability and transfer speed is not as good as places such
> as JumpLine. JumpLine got top grades, although it was pricey. Their tech
> support has been good. You would be surprised how much goes wrong with these
> things.
> The present contract, for $33 a month, was settled a few years ago and when
> it runs out I will push them for a lower rate or higher bandwidth (whichever
> I need). Last spring when I ran short of bandwidth they doubled it for free.
> Just for the asking. So it was clear I was overpaying. It comes up for
> renewal soon. It looks like their latest package similar to this is $20 per
> month. The prices keep falling.
> This is actually for 3 sites, for my wife and daughter as well, with
> completely separate  hosting. Although the bandwidth limit is for all three.
> I think I can get 5 total.
> There are many ISP comparison sites.
> It would be a pain in the butt to change to a new ISP. I am hoping that a
> university will take over hosting so I don't have to worry about it. Or pay!
> - Jed

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