Chris Zell wrote:

Umm..... where might these alternative sites be, that offer papers on transmutation? I think reading them might be an enriching experience.

That was a paper by Roberto Monti. He has attended several cold fusion conferences. He does Medieval lead-to-gold style transmutation. Gene Mallove dabbled in it.

You can find his work on the Internet in various places by searching for his name.

I think it is far enough removed from cold fusion that it should be considered off-topic. That's what I told him, and he agreed. I have no problem with him coming to conferences, and if he had a paper in an ICCF proceedings and asked me to upload it, I would. Of course I would include it if I upload the entire proceedings, as I hope to do with the next ICCF, and maybe ICCF14. Any paper the editors accept is fine with me.

ICCF editors usually accept any and all papers.

As Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, we now have some papers by Vysotskii. He published them in recent ICCF proceedings and then sent me an earlier one, so why not?

Also as noted in my old message thoughtfully uploaded by Swartz, I used to limit the number of papers because bandwidth was expensive. I think the cost has fallen by about a factor of 10 or more since 2002. It used to cost me a lot of money to distribute these papers when we went over quota. The quota has been raised to 50 GB per month . . . but we are up to 36 GB (72%) this month! Some of these new large files such as the NSF/EPRI proceedings are eating up bandwidth.

It now costs me $33 per month from Jumpline. That's probably a little high.

- Jed

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