I have heard of websites paying huge data costs and I have never understood
it at all.
While $33 a month isn't quite what I'm talking about a host such as say
GoDaddy charges...

$4.99/mo for 300GB Transfer
$6.99/mo for 1,500GB Transfer
$14.99/mo for Unlimited Transfer (and unlimited space)
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris Zell wrote:
>  Umm..... where might these alternative sites be, that offer papers on
>> transmutation?  I think reading them might be an enriching experience.
> That was a paper by Roberto Monti. He has attended several cold fusion
> conferences. He does Medieval lead-to-gold style transmutation. Gene Mallove
> dabbled in it.
> You can find his work on the Internet in various places by searching for
> his name.
> I think it is far enough removed from cold fusion that it should be
> considered off-topic. That's what I told him, and he agreed. I have no
> problem with him coming to conferences, and if he had a paper in an ICCF
> proceedings and asked me to upload it, I would. Of course I would include it
> if I upload the entire proceedings, as I hope to do with the next ICCF, and
> maybe ICCF14. Any paper the editors accept is fine with me.
> ICCF editors usually accept any and all papers.
> As Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, we now have some papers by Vysotskii. He published
> them in recent ICCF proceedings and then sent me an earlier one, so why not?
> Also as noted in my old message thoughtfully uploaded by Swartz, I used to
> limit the number of papers because bandwidth was expensive. I think the cost
> has fallen by about a factor of 10 or more since 2002. It used to cost me a
> lot of money to distribute these papers when we went over quota. The quota
> has been raised to 50 GB per month . . . but we are up to 36 GB (72%) this
> month! Some of these new large files such as the NSF/EPRI proceedings are
> eating up bandwidth.
> It now costs me $33 per month from Jumpline. That's probably a little high.
> - Jed

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