Jeff Driscoll <> wrote:

Rossi has not done a definitive test.  I don't trust him on his input
> mass flow rate (2 grams per second) . . .

You don't trust that he can read a digital weight scale? Do you trust that
Krivit can? If he had any presence of mind I suppose he checked, and he
would have reported a problem. He goes out of his way to find problems,
finding mainly imaginary ones.

or whether or not it was turned
> to vapor or just spurted out as liquid slugs of water into the drain.

You saw in the video that it was steam! And in the video made by Lewan. You
don't believe your own eyes?

> Levi has a lot to gain monetarily . . .

>From who? How? Where did you get this information? Levi's university will
reportedly get a grant from Rossi, but grant money does not go the professor
personally. If you suspect that results are tainted by grant money, you will
not believe 99% of research.

> 2. Rossi's assertions of that steam quality can be measured with a
> Relative Humidity meter (it can't).

Yes, it can.

> 3. Rossi is not trained as a scientist (diploma mill college degree -
> is that true?) and virtually comes out of nowhere with huge claims.

This is a bit like saying that Newton and Darwin were not trained as
scientists. Newton invented most of what we now call science, and before
Darwin biology did not exist, so there was no one to train them. Rossi is
one the most brilliant and original inventors in history.

> 4. Past legal convictions related to a waste disposal company.

That has nothing to do with the claims, any more than Robert Stroud's murder
convictions cast doubt on this expertise in bird disease. Rossi's claims
have been independently confirmed by Defkalion, so there is no doubt they
are real.

> 5. His fiasco with the thermoelectric device contract.

That was ordinary R&D, not a fiasco. It may yet be revived and made

> 6. Lack of quality scientific reports showing measurements and methods
> used to measure.

He is not a scientist. He himself has said this many times. It is obvious he
is not! This is like accusing me of not being a musician.

> Does anyone have comments they can make for or against Defkalion
> regarding their legitimacy?

Their devices have been tested by Greek regulators; they have $280 million;
their board of directors that would be suitable for any Fortune 500 company.
Do you really, seriously think they are bamboozling the regulators, or
faking any of this? As I said, that is akin to the notion that the moon
landings were faked, or the 9/11 attacks were conducted by the U.S.

There is no doubt Defkalion's claims are real. That proves that Rossi's
claims must have been real all along. Do you suppose he is faking and yet by
a fantastic coincidence Defkalion tried the same material and it actually

Various skeptical doubts about Rossi's tests have been posted here and
elsewhere, such as claims that wet steam can reduce enthalpy by a factor of
20, or the flow rate and other factors might have made his output heat 1000
times less than it really was, or that the meter does not work as claimed in
the brochure and by various experts. All of these doubts -- without
exception -- are without merit. Rossi's crude estimate of enthalpy made
during Krivit's visit is correct. The temperature would not be 101 deg C if
there was not mostly dry steam. Anyone can confirm this, and it has been
confirmed millions of times in the last 200 years.

- Jed

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