Jeff Driscoll <> wrote:

> >> 2. Rossi's assertions of that steam quality can be measured with a
> >> Relative Humidity meter (it can't).
> >
> > Yes, it can.
> No it can't, I wrote a detailed email on Vortex as to why it can't,
> maybe I should repost it.

Experts in those meters such as Galantini say you are wrong. The
manufacturer's brochure says you are wrong. I suppose they are right, and
you are wrong. In any case, as Storms pointed out, the steam cannot be so
wet as to materially affect the conclusions.

> Rossi's claims
> > have been independently confirmed by Defkalion, so there is no doubt they
> > are real.
> >
> >
> Greeks have their backs up against a wall financially speaking and
> desperate people will do desperate things.

That's preposterous. The Greek government is in trouble. Most Greek people
are fine. Most of the investors in Defkalion are not Greek, and they have no
reason to do anything "desperate." The regulators are not going to cooperate
in a scam no matter how "desperate" they may be, because it cannot earn any
actual money.

If that is your best argument, you should hang it up.

- Jed

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