By reactance, I misspoke, meaning impedance, but you get the point.
If each "wafer" has its own core heater, the input current would have to triple 
to support three cells.

> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 15:40:24 -0600
> Subject: Re: [Vo]: ECAT With 3 Cores Would Have Been Convincing
> From:
> To:
> /snip/
> "Actually, there is no reason to believe that it will require additional 
> input energy to activate the 2 extra cores. He has a COP of 6 when all are 
> used which results in an output of 1558 * 6 = 9348 each ECAT of 107 total. I 
> used the test data to determine that this was entirely in line with the 
> results expected in the driven mode. He did not use 3 for his test....the 
> output of the 1 MW system proved that indirectly."
> /snip/
> If the 3 cells are in parallel, you have 3 core heaters. Tripling the number 
> of parallel loads, would result in one third of the circuit's reactance, and 
> therefore three times the total current...
> V x A(3) = Power(3) 
> Tripling input power

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