On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 4:03 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> I do not think anyone could say that it is not possible to make a
> sophisticated scam of an ECAT.  Rossi has helped the skeptical among us by
> allowing this to be the case.
> Do you honestly think that he is not aware of this possibility?  Why 1
> core?  Why the relatively short test?  All of these issues point to a
> planned attempt to misdirect.  He has
> his reasons and I am not sure that we will ever find out why.

So you're arguing that the lack of evidence is proof it works?

> Like I have said before, his 1 MW system was his real attempt to dazzle us.

With what? All anyone got to see was pipes and valves and insulation
covered boxes. There was nothing dazzling there. Even the steam was hidden,
and the heat was released to the sky *behind* barriers. Without the claimed
measurements from Rossi, there was no evidence of heat production at all.

He could have at least used the heat to do something like heat the water in
a big tanker truck, or expand big cylinder to lift a huge weight. But there
was absolutely nothing visual at all. Nothing even remotely dazzling.

>   The skeptics among us have conveniently disregarded the results of this
> test for their reasons.

No they haven't. The results have been regarded carefully. And even if you
accept Rossi's measurements, there is still no evidence for nuclear

> It will not be long before the truth will come out about Rossi's system.
> Many of us think it is the real thing.  The others should be praying that
> it is.

Again, with the believer's testimony...

> I guess I should modify my last sentence.  Some others hope that the ECAT
> is a scam, especially those who make a living based upon industries that
> will be replaced.

I doubt it. If the claims were valid, it would be like the industrial
revolution, and the standard of living would improve for everyone. People
working in competing industries would not have difficulty finding jobs in
the cold fusion support industry. In fact conversion to cold fusion would
produce a lot of work for a lot of people.

> I think it is a moral issue to give support to people like Rossi who can
> really make a large positive impact upon the world.

So it is religious with you. So, by "people like Rossi" do you mean anyone
who makes free-energy claims without evidence? Or only Italians with a
record? If Rossi is wrong, all the support in the world won't help him. And
if he's right, pontificating skeptics on the interweb won't hurt him, and
he won't need support from the pions; he just needs one good demo.

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