On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Giovanni Santostasi

> Jed,
> I'm not sure what is the ethnic origin of Mary.

Sorry, not Italian.

He claims to have been a victim of the corrupted Italian system and I was
> open to accept that but then when you see how he followed the negative
> behavior (the oil from waste that never happened) with another (the
> recycling of gold and silver, presumably from waste again but it was
> instead money laundry) then you can see there is a precise pattern and the
> one's tolerance and understanding has to be changed immediately in extreme
> caution and in fact defensiveness.

I just ran again into the long list of charges and convictions Rossi
amassed -- someone who wants to remain anonymous was kind enough to email
it to me.  It ends with an eight year prison sentence being imposed -- not
sure how much if any of it he served or what happened after that.  Maybe
he's innocent of the entire lot but it's quite a bit and it seems unlikely
he didn't do any of what he was convicted for.

Rather than repost it, those interested can find it at this link

If your browser doesn't track the item correctly down the page, you can
search for a typical string like this one:  "January 8, 1992: Rossi
indicted with 8 others, based on false invoices related to building a
factory."   Each item is followed by a link for the Italian and for the
English.  I have not confirmed all the links.  There are TWENTY-TWO line

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