I received this in email from someone who prefers to remain anonymous:

"Regarding Rossi's relationship with Ampenergo, I find it interesting that
Rossi's company (Leonardo Corp.) and Ampenergo share the same rented office
space, which is owned by Ampenergo's founder, Karl Norwood.

Rossi's company web site:  http://leonardocorp1996.com/  (note the address
and phone number) (Rossi's company has used this address/phone number for
several years.)

Karl Norwood's company web site:  http://www.nainorwoodgroup.com/  (note
the address and phone number)

Ampenergo's corporate file for New Hampshire:

Norwood's rental brochure for the office complex:

There is nothing wrong with any of this, but it certainly suggests that
Ampenergo is not the independent company that Rossi's fans have been

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