No, Jojo has no business in this forum for the simple reason that he thinks
experiments are unnecessary to science.  Nature magazine, too, decided that
experiments were unnecessary when the British editor deferred to the US
editor regarding Oriani's replication of cold fusion, and the US editor
rejected the paper, because it went against prevailing theory.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Peter Gluck <> wrote:

> Dear Jojo,
> I would friendly suggest you to you to stop this discussion from the
> simple reason that
> the analogy is not valid.
> Hot Fusion and Cold Fusion (LENR) are both real and possible, alternative,
> in a way complementary solutions.
> Evolution and Intelligent Project are opposites,mutually exclusive- and we
> (you too)
> can find hundreds of forums to discuss this subject ad infinitum. I am
> reading Skeptic Magazine but my good friend G. who is a famous baptist
> preacher keeps me informed with ID.
> I think this was the first time this OR/OR dispute
> was mentioned on this forum. But the analogy will not help.
> Peter
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>> **
>> OH my!  What is your major malfunction?  Are you experiencing major
>> cognitive dissonance?  The Darwinian Evolution Religion you've pledge
>> yourself to is not as factual as you thought it was?   Did I just hit a
>> central nerve?  I thought we were discussing with civility?  I guess I just
>> pissed you off too much with facts and logic.
>> OK.  Whatever.
>> Jojo
>> PS.  Folks, if James' response does not illutrate my point enough,
>> nothing will.  Darwinian Evolution is a religion to its adherents.  When
>> someone brings up a good point of logic, they experience major cognitive
>> dissonance and react like this.
>> Parks experiences this everytime someone brings up evidence for Cold
>> Fusion.  Darwinists experience this when they can not answer a valid
>> criticism of its Darwinian religion.
>> The parallel has been clearly illustrated.  My point is proven.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* James Bowery <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 10:30 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
>> OK, so you don't think you need an experiment.
>> Go fuck yourself.
>> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>>> **
>>> I am unsure about your point or what you are asking.
>>> What exactly is your discussion point or what exactly is your question?
>>> Of course,there are strong inference.  For example, if you find the
>>> presence of Information in DNA, that is an inference for Intelligent
>>> Designer, not Darwinian Evolution based on randon chance mutations.  Random
>>> processes never create Information, because information is "Order", the
>>> exact opposite of Randomness.
>>> For instance, the assembling of random letters into a coherent sentence
>>> requires the input of an Intelligent being.  If your throw a bunch of
>>> Scrabble letters on the ground, the following 2 sentences have equal chance
>>> of occuring.
>>> "There is a God"
>>> "ethresi da Go"         -    (No, this is not a foreign language.  This
>>> is a random mixture of the same letters above.)
>>> What is the difference between the 2 sentences above.  Nothing as far as
>>> randon chance is concerned.  Yet for an Intelligent Entity, there is a huge
>>> difference.  What differentiates the 2 sentences?  It is Information of
>>> course.  There is information in the first sentence that conveys an idea?
>>> And Ideas are the purvue of Intelligent Beings.
>>> Now, do this with 4 letters and create a sentence 600,000 letters long;
>>> you might begin to understand the complexity and the remarkable presence of
>>> Information in our DNA.
>>> Jojo
>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* James Bowery <>
>>> *To:*
>>>  *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:42 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
>>> No.  I'm talking about the scientific technique of strong inference.
>>> In strong inference you are not simply testing a hypothesis.  You are
>>> admitting multiple hypotheses in the formulation of your experiments and
>>> attempting to most economically compare them.  It is legitimate, of course,
>>> to have any number of experiments to achieve this comparison.
>>> In this case, there are two hypotheses:  Darwinian Evolution and
>>> Intelligent Design.
>>> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:27 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>>>> **
>>>> Distinguish what from what?
>>>> Are you asking if there are experiments in Darwinian Evolution and
>>>> experiments in Intelligent Design?
>>>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>>> *From:* James Bowery <>
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:08 PM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
>>>> Jojo,
>>>> Where is the controlled experiment that distinguishes between the two?
>>>>  There are LOTS of controlled experiments demonstrating cold fusion.
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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