Axil,  In your opinion, is LeClair process the same mechanism as the Mitt Candy 
Hexane/Propane process?

It seems LeClair is more Hot Fusion than LENR, and appears to be totally 
different from Rossi, DGT, both of which seems different from Mitt Candy.

Any ideas/suggestions on what Mitt Candy's catalyst might be.  

Due primarily to your recent comments, I have had a change of heart regarding 
the Hexane/Propane process.  I will be attempting a parallel replication 
attempt of Mitt Candy's process.

Are you of the opinion that all these apparent LENR process are based on the 
acculumation of extreme charges on nanotubules or Rydberg Matter?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 1:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube 

  A number of experiments that feature violent activity in water share the same 
characteristics that LeClair observed in his LENR experiments. I see the 
referenced experiment listed above demonstrating the production of Protonated 
Water Clusters in the plasma when a laser beam ionizes gold Nano particles in 
an aqueous solution of uranium salts. LeClair can also produce his reaction 
using a laser beam.

  The referenced experiment is less energetic than the LeClair experiment 
because no sacrificial attractive material is present. 

  But in both experiments, collapsing cavatation bubbles are formed and 
Protonated Water Clusters are generated which catalyze proton based cold fusion 

  What the other commenter miss in this type of reaction is that cavatation can 
provide a continuum of energy levels from weak to extreme. It is adjustable. 
LeClair has mentioned that he can adjust the energy level in his reaction to 
produce only heat without radiation to a full range of element transmutation 
which is accompanied by heavy radiation.

  Until the other evaluators of this reaction understand its true dynamics, 
they will continual to misunderstand what underlying processes are going on in 
the LeClair effect. 

  To wit, if there is no attractive shock wave produced to provide added 
kinetic energy, then transmutation is gentle and well behaved. Yes the shock 
wave is optional with the addition of an attractive sacrificial metal within 
six bubble diameters of bubble formation. At its root, the LeClair effect is 
cold fusion.

  Cheers: Axil

  On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <> 

    At 04:28 PM 5/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:

      The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who 
remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for bravery.

      I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot to 
a wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the occurrence was not better 

      Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?

    Funny Dave should ask that. It was my first hit when the Nanospire story 
first broke.

    But I'd expect, by now, someone would have been observed giggling and 
running away from the window, as with Mr. Mischief in the Mr. series of 
children's books. LeClair is real, has talked with real people (such as Krivit 
and Storms).

    And that's about how far it's gone, as to anything verifiable. 

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