

George H. Miley  and James A. Patterson

Other key features observed in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 that must be accounted for
by any theory include the “gaps” between high yield products and the high
Ag and Cd yields. Ag (and Cd) production is particularly challenging, since
*Ag occurs in large quantities but is not favored energetically. Ag’s
position, well to the lower binding energy side of Ni, infers an
endothermic reaction (negative Q-value), which in turn suggests energy
transfer to the reactants must occur to drive the reaction. *(This is
analogous to driving negative Q-value reactions by colliding high-energy
reactants using accelerated beams. As defined here, Q values are the energy
released due to the mass difference between reactants and products,
assuming that the reactants enter with zero kinetic or excitation energy.)
Consequently, the model must contain a mechanism for energy
storage/transfer to reactions involved in high Z element production.
A postulated reaction model, RIFEX (Reaction in a Film-Excited CompleX), is
under development to satisfy these key characteristics. A major feature of
RIFEX is that protons (p) interacting with the host Ni and neighboring
isotopes produces a relatively long lived atom-p complex with excitation
energies of orders of several MeV. *This allows production of elements such
as Ag with Q-value reactions. Seemingly, other products with a negative Q
value are produced via fission of compound nuclei. *This model will be
presented in detail in a future publication.

What kind of transmutation is going on. Heavy elements like Ag

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> I wrote:
>> So if Brian Ahern's anecdotal data are allowed, titanium can yield both
>> power and localized cooling (perhaps energy is being fed into the system
>> from the power outlet to accomplish this).
> I'm all mixed up.  There are the ice packs, which absorb heat during a
> phase transition from solid to liquid.  So (thinking out loud) there need
> not be a violation of CoE or the second law of thermodynamics for the
> titanium system to cool down, and there is more than one pathway that could
> account for this phenomenon.  Importantly, there are temperature and heat,
> and in the case of ice packs, latent heat, and they need to be
> distinguished.
> The temperature of ice packs decreases because they have a high "enthalpy
> of fusion" (not to be confused with nuclear fusion).  But there is still
> energy (heat) going into the system, causing the overall energy to increase.
> According to the second article, most substances have a positive enthalpy
> of fusion, while 3He and 4He have negative enthalpies of fusion at low
> temperatures.  This means they freeze rather than melt with the addition of
> heat.
> Eric

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