On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 8:59 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

 Thanks for the update Jones.  If the cooling effect is valid then it
> should be pursued.  Any time an anomalous occurrence is registered an
> opportunity to discover a new relationship exists which may allow us to fit
> additional parts of the puzzle into place.

Agreed.  The cooling effect is very interesting.  It brings the question of
conservation of energy to the fore.  If normal LENR is like a box with a
button on it, which once pressed causes heat to spill out, can you have
another box with a button that, when pressed, causes cooling to occur?  At
face value, it sounds like some basic principle is being violated.  The
secret here might be in the materials, where nickel is used for heating and
titanium is used for cooling.  In the process peaks in the energy potential
of the environment are gradually smoothed out and move towards some kind of

If you had large LENR power stations operating over decades and centuries,
pumping heat into the environment, would this just result in a change in
the equilibrium of the environment such that more incoming solar energy
would then be reflected into space, or would there be a need for active
cooling of some kind?


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