Ed has hit upon the secret of LENR in a back handed way. BEC can form at
extreme temperatures; this miracle is the backbone of LENR.

Electrons can be broken apart into thier constituent components: charge,
angular momentum, and spin.



In thin nanoantennas, charge is broken free of the electron and is free to
combine with light to form a polariton.

Since light can readily form condensates, AKS lasers, charge is taken along
for the ride. Extreme amounts of charge are accumulated and light/charge is
compressed into a dark photon singularity.

Ed must eventually understand the new science of topological materials and
the formation of quasiparticles.

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> That is the idea. However, why would only a few hydrons fuse leaving just
> enough unreacted hydrons available to carry all the energy without it
> producing energetic radiation? I would expect occasionally, many hydrons
> would fuse leaving too few unreacted hydrons so that the dissipated energy
> would have to be very energetic and easily detected.  Also, how is this
> mass-energy coupled to the unreacted hydrons? The BEC is not stable at high
> temperatures, which would be present inside the BEC when mass-energy was
> released. I would expect this release would destroy the BEC, leaving the
> fused hydrons to dissipate energy by the normal hot fusion method.  The
> concept appears to have many logical flaws.
> Ed Storms
> On May 27, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
> Then is that an explanation of why Gamma rays are not observed in LENR?
> If 2 of the atoms inside a multi-atom BEC fuse together, the incoming
> radiation  (to the rest of the BEC) gets subdivided based upon how many
> atoms have formed the BEC.  Right?
> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  This paper verifies that a photon eradiated Bose-Einstein condensate
>> will cut the frequency of incoming photons by dividing that frequency
>> between N numbers of atoms.
>> http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.1261v1.pdf
>> Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate
>>   “The results of theoretical simulations are represented by the
>> continuous lines.
>> According to the super-atom picture the collective Rabi frequency for the
>> coherent excitation of N atoms is
>> frequency (collective) = square root(number of atoms) X
>> frequency(single);
>> Where the single-particle Rabi frequency (single) is app 2 pi x 200 kHz
>> for our experimental parameters.”

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