I posted this not long ago as follows:


*Physicists develop revolutionary low-power polariton laser*

LENR is like a polaritor laser turned in onto itself. Dark mode EMF is not
allowed to exit the lattice (nuclear active environment). The EMF just
builds and builds until the space and matter around it breaks apart. When
nuclear energy is released, the coherence is broken, and the EMF buildup
starts all over again, in an endless cycle

In nanopasmonics, they have named this polaritron laser "Spaser"


*also see*


>From *Nature*:[3] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaser#cite_note-3>

A spaser is the nanoplasmonic counterpart of a
but it (ideally) does not emit photons<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photons>.
It is analogous to the conventional laser, but in a spaser photons are
replaced by surface plasmons and the resonant cavity is replaced by a
nanoparticle, which supports the plasmonic modes. Similarly to a laser, the
energy source for the spasing mechanism is an active (gain) medium that is
excited externally. This excitation field may be optical and unrelated to
the spaser’s operating frequency; for instance, a spaser can operate in the
near-infrared <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared> but the excitation of
the gain medium can be achieved using an
ultraviolet<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet>pulse. The reason
that surface plasmons in a spaser can work analogously to
photons in a laser is that their relevant physical properties are the same.
First, surface plasmons are bosons <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosons>:
they are vector excitations and have
spin<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)>1, just as photons
do. Second, surface plasmons are electrically neutral
excitations. And third, surface plasmons are the most collective material
oscillations known in nature, which implies they are the most harmonic
(that is, they interact very weakly with one another). As such, surface
plasmons can undergo stimulated emission, accumulating in a single mode in
large numbers, which is the physical foundation of both the laser and the

Spasers are no big thing, Ed. Just another day at the office for


On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> Let me be clear, Axil. I have not hit on anything. Kim first suggested a
> BEC can form at high temperatures in a lattice. I do not believe this is
> possible. I DO NOT accept this as an explanation of LENR.
> The BEC is known from experience and theory to only form near absolute
> zero. If a lattice is able to form a BEC based on hydrogen at room
> temperature and above, this by itself would be a Nobel Prize discovery if
> true.  I see no reason to apply an explanation that is so unique to explain
> CF. In addition, the behavior, as I note below, is not consistent with what
> is observed. This does not account for the few neutrons. The few neutrons
> are near background and can be more easily explained as a result of
> fractofusion.
> Ed Storms
> On May 27, 2013, at 11:44 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
> Ed has hit upon the secret of LENR in a back handed way. BEC can form at
> extreme temperatures; this miracle is the backbone of LENR.
> Electrons can be broken apart into thier constituent components: charge,
> angular momentum, and spin.
> http://arstechnica.com/science/2012/04/electrons-like-gaul-come-in-three-parts/
> http://www.physics.harvard.edu/Thesespdfs/tserkovnyak.pdf
> In thin nanoantennas, charge is broken free of the electron and is free to
> combine with light to form a polariton.
> Since light can readily form condensates, AKS lasers, charge is taken
> along for the ride. Extreme amounts of charge are accumulated and
> light/charge is compressed into a dark photon singularity.
> Ed must eventually understand the new science of topological materials and
> the formation of quasiparticles.
> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:
>> That is the idea. However, why would only a few hydrons fuse leaving just
>> enough unreacted hydrons available to carry all the energy without it
>> producing energetic radiation? I would expect occasionally, many hydrons
>> would fuse leaving too few unreacted hydrons so that the dissipated energy
>> would have to be very energetic and easily detected.  Also, how is this
>> mass-energy coupled to the unreacted hydrons? The BEC is not stable at high
>> temperatures, which would be present inside the BEC when mass-energy was
>> released. I would expect this release would destroy the BEC, leaving the
>> fused hydrons to dissipate energy by the normal hot fusion method.  The
>> concept appears to have many logical flaws.
>> Ed Storms
>> On May 27, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
>> Then is that an explanation of why Gamma rays are not observed in LENR?
>> If 2 of the atoms inside a multi-atom BEC fuse together, the incoming
>> radiation  (to the rest of the BEC) gets subdivided based upon how many
>> atoms have formed the BEC.  Right?
>> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  This paper verifies that a photon eradiated Bose-Einstein condensate
>>> will cut the frequency of incoming photons by dividing that frequency
>>> between N numbers of atoms.
>>>  http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.1261v1.pdf
>>>  Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate
>>>   “The results of theoretical simulations are represented by the
>>> continuous lines.
>>>  According to the super-atom picture the collective Rabi frequency for
>>> the coherent excitation of N atoms is
>>>  frequency (collective) = square root(number of atoms) X
>>> frequency(single);
>>>  Where the single-particle Rabi frequency (single) is app 2 pi x 200
>>> kHz for our experimental parameters.”

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