On May 31, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There's various ways to create illusions, and I don't necessarily know how it 
> might have been done.

That is very healthy attitude. Many people often forget how easy it is to 
create illusions and how hard it is expose them if the illusionist is let to 
pull the strings. There is very often the situation, that not enough 
independent data available, but opinions must be based on a hunch. 

What is the best thing about this new demonstration that it excludes definitely 
steam based tricks from the possible repertoire. So from the beginning it was 
all about the feeding extra input power via hidden wires. Therefore most of the 
skeptics were just wrong, because they criticized Rossi's demos on a base of 
steam quality. This kind of self-assured but false debunking was very annoying.


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