On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:06 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

Dark energy, matter and gravitational effects are likely not involved to
> any major degree.

I like Robin's approach -- perhaps there's an intrinsic process driving the
sun's 11 year cycle, and it has influenced where the planets formed and how
they orbit in relation to one another.  Perhaps there is a very low
frequency acoustic resonance at work, like the ringing of a slow bell.

As a layperson watching astrophysics from a distance, I have not yet been
persuaded of the need for dark matter or energy.  It has always felt a
little bit like an ad hoc remedy to make other assumptions work.  I'm sure
if one is more familiar with all of the pieces and how they fit together,
it is harder to ignore these two hypotheses (dark matter and dark energy).


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