Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:

AGAIN, it's not 4mW excess, it's 4mW * 27 excess.  IT was 4mW input, which
> is obviously easy to measure.

Ah, this is a new claim. That would be 100 mW output, which is easier to
measure than his previous claims of 20 to 50 mW.

> Swartz is doing one better than publishing a paper or giving a lecture.
>  He's selling the experimental devices so people can replicate in their own
> labs.

Has he sold any yet? Did he say who he sold it to? Did he present any test
results from other people, using other calorimeter types?

> Please, people, watch the video before commenting.

I find his lectures somewhat incomprehensible. I'll wait for a paper.

>   You guys are credible only when you talk about something you know.

I know about his previous experiments and his previous papers.

- Jed

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