Jed etal--Bob Cook here--

I was impressed with Swartz's presentation on the 5th day of the MIT lectures 
series.  He seems like a real enthusiastic researcher and inventor with a very 
significant invention, although small, based on a LENR process, whatever it 
turns out to be,  The fact that he and Hagelstein talk with each other is also 

 I think Swartz has a good product that will sell if he can get it pronounced 
to be safe and hooked to a thermo-electric couple.  There are many devices that 
can  use low quantities of electrical energy and would be more desirable with a 
portable long-life energy source.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jed Rothwell 
  Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Increasing probability of Rossi being real upwards, to 35%

  Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:

    AGAIN, it's not 4mW excess, it's 4mW * 27 excess.  IT was 4mW input, which 
is obviously easy to measure.

  Ah, this is a new claim. That would be 100 mW output, which is easier to 
measure than his previous claims of 20 to 50 mW.

    Swartz is doing one better than publishing a paper or giving a lecture.  
He's selling the experimental devices so people can replicate in their own labs.

  Has he sold any yet? Did he say who he sold it to? Did he present any test 
results from other people, using other calorimeter types?

    Please, people, watch the video before commenting.

  I find his lectures somewhat incomprehensible. I'll wait for a paper.

      You guys are credible only when you talk about something you know.

  I know about his previous experiments and his previous papers.

  - Jed

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