
Thanks for the lead in, here is some more weird thoughts/doppler stuff I
have been blogging.

I think gravity is a type of quantum vacuum entanglement that decays space
between all of these vacuum branes in the universe (like our Sun's core and
the Earth core).  Vacuum is streaming between branes (in our solar wind),
decaying our 3 dimensions as well as itself is decaying through hawking
radiation (full spectrum, very weak). It pops back out as protons in the
solar wind as it decays, creating water vapor wherever it encounters
oxygen, like in our atmosphere:

I think the Earth core and possible the Sun are massive 6-D torroidal
vacuum cores. It is responsible for our weakly ionizing radiation
background on Earth, which increases during storms.  The weather unfolding
along jet streams is really the inflation phase of this vacuum decaying
from high energies to low energy "clouds" in our atmosphere, creating more
water vapor.  It pulls a vacuum in our gaseous atmosphere, creating low
pressure disturbances.

That is the reason Doppler Radar is able to detect the "weather"  due to
the vacuum in our atmosphere, which forms strings and particles and is
bending it and lensing it.  Which is unfortunate for us humans because I
think we are all getting "vacuum formed"  and this stuff is redirecting and
attenuating doppler microwave radiation back to Earth around the radar
towers, creating chronic hypoxic conditions in waterways(ionizing dissolved
oxygen from the water) killing fish and triggering algae blooms and in
bloodstreams creating chronic hypoxic conditions in biology triggering an
increase in autism, alzheimers and some cancers. Our Earth brane and human
brains are becoming hypoxic in areas around radar towers. I have statistics
on both now.

Also, after plotting sinkholes nightly for a year, yes I am a geek, I have
concluded the atmosphere is triggering many of them through a local
increase in ionizing vacuum energy discharge (protons act like an
acid-proton donor) during storms and such, which is increased around the
overlappng doppler radar towers.  The eight corvettes that just plummeted
into a sinkhole in Kentucky happened to be in an atrium with a glass
ceiling directly above where the sinkhole opened and within 50 miles of 3
or 4 high powered radars. I think metal conducts this stuff (think st.
elmos fire) but that it penetrates through most organic stuff.

I have also concluded many of the mirages that humans see over water,
including magnified ships over the ocean are actually gravitational lensing
and string lensing, which is also bending the doppler EMR at the same time.

In other words guys, we reside in a vacuum with a little bit of air and
water vapor surrounding us.  We reside on the crust from a LENR decaying
Earth core brane, which suffers chronic indigestion, else we would all be
sucked in.

Best I can figure and yes it/I am strange.


On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> *From:* John Berry
> It would make sense, a Doppler like effect is very reasonable with
> electric fields.
> Now if this is so, it is very possible that gravity could be explained
> this way.
> Since Stewart is stuck in the ice, he may be delayed with his Doppler
> radar metaphor. So here is another slant on it. Since gravity already
> produces its own Doppler shift (we call it redshift), it would be an
> interesting exercise to look at this possibility in extra dimensions... that
> is of gravity itself being the 4-space relic of a 3-space electric field -
> which is of course, another way to look at electrogravity.
> The Doppler shift is the frequency shift caused by relative motion, but
> the gravitational version - which is redshift - does not involve apparent
> motion in 3-space, but it does if you consider to the effect as being over
> billions of years. IOW the relative motion is in hidden in spacetime.
> Because clocks in a strong gravitational field tick slower - the effect is
> similar to light leaving the surface of a strong field which will gradually
> have its frequency extended so that the signal (light spectra) arrives at a
> longer wavelength.
> You can also think of gravitational redshift on light as photons losing
> energy as they work their out of the strong gravitational field but it is
> no different than if it was a strong electric field, other than that time
> must be considered. For whatever reason, the Finn's seem to mull over these
> things more than most of us (probably the long winters)
> Phil did not see his shadow so let's let the Finns sort it out...

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