Also perhaps here, this smart guy:

*A. Bhattacherjee* , Pradeep Jha, Tarun Kumar and ManMohan, Luttinger
liquid in superlattice structures: atomic gas, quantum dot and classical
Ising chain, *Physica Scripta*, *83*, 015016 (2011).

*Aranya B Bhattacherjee*, Tarun Kumar and ManMohan, Luttinger liquid in
two-colour optical lattice, in Laser and Bose Einstein Condensation
Physics, Narosa, New Delhi, 2010.�*� *

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>wrote:

>  Unfortunately for me, the 1 Dimensional Luttinger Bose-Einstein
> Condensate seems to have already been proposed, but as far as I can tell,
> not as an explanation of cold fusion:
> ***Also perhaps here.
> New Journal of Physics <> Volume 10
> <> April 2008
> <>
> R Citro *et al* 2008 *New J. Phys.* *10* 045011
> doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/4/045011<>
>  Luttinger hydrodynamics of confined one-dimensional Bose gases with
> dipolar interactions Focus on Quantum Correlations in Tailored 
> Matter<>
> R Citro1, S De Palo2, E Orignac3, P Pedri4,5 and M-L Chiofalo6
> Show 
> affiliations<>
>  Tag this 
> article<>
>  PDF
> (862 
> KB)<>
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> article <>
>  Abstract <> 
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> Part of Focus on Quantum Correlations in Tailored 
> Matter<>
> Ultracold bosonic and fermionic quantum gases confined to
> quasi-one-dimensional (1D) geometry are promising candidates for probing
> fundamental concepts of Luttinger liquid (LL) physics. They can also be
> exploited for devising applications in quantum information processing and
> precision measurements. Here, we focus on 1D dipolar Bose gases, where
> evidence of super-strong coupling behavior has been demonstrated by
> analyzing the low-energy static and dynamical structures of the fluid at
> zero temperature by a combined reptation quantum Monte Carlo (RQMC) and
> bosonization approach. Fingerprints of LL behavior emerge in the whole
> crossover from the already strongly interacting Tonks–Girardeau at low
> density to a dipolar density wave regime at high density. We have also
> shown that a LL framework can be effectively set up and utilized to
> describe this strongly correlated crossover physics in the case of confined
> 1D geometries after using the results for the homogeneous system in LL
> hydrodynamic equations within a local density approximation. This leads to
> the prediction of observable quantities such as the frequencies of the
> collective modes of the trapped dipolar gas under the more realistic
> conditions that could be found in ongoing experiments. The present paper
> provides a description of the theoretical framework in which the above
> results have been worked out, making available all the detailed derivations
> of the hydrodynamic Luttinger equations for the inhomogeneous trapped gas
> and of the correlation functions for the homogeneous system.

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