From: Kevin O'Malley 


And also perhaps here:


Note that they used lasers to REMOVE energy from the system (to COOL it).  
That's what KP Sinha did, and also, what Ed Storms was unaware of here on 
Vortex-L until I pointed it out.


The interesting thing about laser cooling is that the photons from the laser 
are typically very hot. A blue laser can have photons with equivalent 
temperature of 15,000 degrees.


As far back as the “Einstein refrigerator” we have known that one can use heat 
to produce cooling - but with laser irradiation it is different. A laser photon 
can cause an atom to emit photons of a higher average energy than the one it 
absorbed from the laser - and thereafter cooling will follow, but only so long 
as the cooled atom does not heat up via absorbing low energy radiation from its 
containment structure – the same one which absorbed the very hot re-emission 
from the cooled atom. 


Thus laser cooling only works well at extremely low pressure, and therefore 
laser cooling to form a BEC may not be relevant to LENR at all - since we are 
going for high power density, and a vacuum is not conducive to that.


However, when everything is tuned to a phonon frequency which is the operating 
temperature of the hot pressurized reactor – say 350 degrees C, then a laser 
which is radiating photons in the IR of about that energy (the 15 THz band 
which NASA loves), we can bring the a entire system into a kind of 3-way or 
triple coherence called “superradiance”. This is photon, phonon and magnon 
(spin wave) coherence. Triple coherence promotes tunneling. A magnetic field 
promotes magnons.


A coherent system, even a hot coherent system – which has triple-coherent 
energy dynamics will promote LENR – that is the bottom line.







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