

If experiments in any field can demonstrate a high temperature version of a
Luttinger Condensate, then your insight is valid and can push forward LENR
technology. That is the main issue with anything Bosonic - can it be applied
at high temperature.


All of the advances in LENR have been incremental and delayed. That Journal
issue you mention, from April 2008 - is almost 6 years old and is crammed
with relevant info for LENR, but little has been disseminated into actual
experiments after all the years.



From: Kevin O'Malley 

 Unfortunately for me, the 1 Dimensional Luttinger Bose-Einstein Condensate
seems to have already been proposed, but as far as I can tell, not as an
explanation of cold fusion:  ***Also perhaps here.

New Journal of Physics <>  Volume 10
<> April 2008

R Citro et al 2008 New J. Phys. 10 045011 


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