> To my mind the greatest impediment to LENR deployment would be the ingrained 
> skepticism of the physics establishment and how that bleeds out into the 
> realm of Wikipedia and mainstream science reporting. Also we have the 
> unwillingness of the"kilowatt producers" to show us what cards they are 
> holding because they are angling for the billion dollar payout. Anyone 
> acquainted with Dr Mizuno should get on their knees and beg the man to 
> assemble his kilowatt reactor and fire the darn thing up. 
         My other thought was how cool it would be if a major stakeholder were 
to publicly demand a investigation into LENR developments. I considered the 
produce growers in California who are facing a horrific drought and will be 
locked in a life and death struggle for water with the coastal cities. My guess 
is these people would not be adverse to a technology solution that would lead 
to affordable desalinization. People with nothing to lose and everything to 
gain. With that in mind I have started emailing the science and technology 
person employed by the Western Growers Association but have yet to elicit a 
response. This could be a pressure point that would turn the tide. Perhaps some 
of the professor types on Vortex would be interested in helping me to fill her 
email box with tasty nuggets...

Steve High


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