Lennart and others interested in the commercial side of CF should watch
this (if you haven't already).

Steve Katinski and David Nagel are setting up an industry association for
advancing science and business in LANR Cold Fusion



On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com>wrote:

> Axil,
> No I have not read those articles. A brief look told me that I have had
> some of the information in other forums. I will look through the entire set
> of documents later this week.
> I appreciate the articles, they certainly have value. In addition the
> articles will improve my knowledge - so Thank You.
> I appreciate your dedication to the issue.
> My point is that we need more than one philosophy in order to sort out how
> LENR will be explained. You are actually using old time knowledge to
> support your theory and I think that is required. Tesla had his moments but
> he also managed to leave a lot of holes in the documentation I think. Do
> not blame the government. Tesla could have secured that information found
> its way to 'the people'. Papp, Moray et al. they are either very smart but
> useless in leaving behind a theory documented so later generations could
> benefit or they were scam artists. I do not know and I am not accusing
> either one. However, there are mystical stories involved and that would not
> need to be. It has been relatively easy to communicate since Gutenberg.
> There is a say what is poorly communicated is based on a weak thought. I
> think many of the people referred to failed in communication and there is
> no excuse for that. Was it because of a illogical idea ?
> As we talk about the deployment one need to engage other disciplines also.
> I am not looking for a job as I am too old to engage in a venture of this
> magnitude. However, people with entrepreneurial skills and understanding of
> marketing and finance are key to get deployment. If you think that will be
> automatic as the physical scientists find the answer you have to stop and
> think again. Mr. Tesla is a good example. I know that many people say that
> he was misunderstood and that J.P. Morgan is accused of stopping his ideas
> as he saw no way to profit from his endless free electricity. If it was so,
> then Tesla's mistake was to not seek support from people with the financial
> knowledge. You can blame JPM but he looked after his interest - good or bad
> - Tesla failed because he concentrated on the thing he knew. He did not
> fail because JPM did not do what Tesla thought right. There is a need to
> take responsibility for one's own mistakes.
> Keep up looking for the answer but listen to others and engage specialists
> when need be and not too late is my advice.
> Best Regards ,
> Lennart Thornros
> www.StrategicLeadershipSac.com
> lenn...@thornros.com
> +1 916 436 1899
> 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650
> "Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
> commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort." PJM

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