*I am sure they have great merits but they require to be tied to 'old'
knowledge and experience *

To my way of thinking, *neutrons* play no part in LENR in any of its
manifestations. Nuclear physics is predicated on the neutron as a central
causative factor. Even the nuclear reactions researched in nuclear physics
do not apply to LENR multiple nuclei cluster fusion reactions. Nuclear
physics will be out of work after LENR is introduced and they all need to
be retrained. This will be difficult because as the twig is bent, so the
tree shall grow.

If chemistry is judged to cover super atoms, and Nano-particle production,
together with nanoplasmonics, metallurgy, and hydrogen chemistry, then
chemistry is important in that regard.

*Together with Europe we have the best infrastructure to deploy LENR.*

Europe is energy poor and their need  for energy and LENR is great. The US
is rich in energy and will resist LENR, just as Russia will ,and Iran, and

The US will use LENR for weapons and keep it classified. This might change
if DGT releases their product due to public pressure in the US to compete
in the commercial energy marketplace.

I predict that DGT will be first to market because of military medaling in
the US LENR situation.


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