Have you read this?

Fusion by Pseudo-Particles

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


This is the story of how many times that LENR has been discovered and lost
since the time of Tesla. I will try my best to make sure that this loss
does not happen again.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:42 PM, Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com>wrote:

> Nobody would be unhappy if we have a LENR product this. year.  However
> deployment is several years out.  Ido hope you are right.
> We do agree that the poligical issues are bigger and I say their is a need
> for other economical, organizational issues you do not want to  see.
> I do not underestimate the power of the establishment. They are
> sidestepped bythe long and not agreed to existence  of  LENR for 25 years
> are here playing in the hands of normal people.
> I do not compare cellphones to LENR. Cell phones  is just a modern
> technology being implemented. So from implementation point ofviw they have
> similarities.  Draw from old experiences.
> Yes Axil greed is here you did not know but it  has been here for some
> time now:)
> Yeah there is people trying to do harm. Sorry in the long run they do not
> count.
> Good luck solving the theory. I will  go to sweden (if alife) to see you
> accept the Nobel price:)
>  On Mar 26, 2014 5:27 PM, "Axil Axil" <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am sure your statements has merit. I am not able to determine how
>>> accurate you are.
>> The chances are better than even that this will be determined by the end
>> of this year.
>>> I do know that it requires that one utilise old experience and new found
>>> techniques and all other resources to reach the final stage.
>> The technical challenges are easy compared to the political ones. There
>> are no old experiences that can guide the development of LENR. It is
>> unprecedented and world changing.
>>>  If this product holds what it promises. It is to late for anyone to
>>> keep it away from a commercialization.
>> You underestimate the power of the military industrial complex and the
>> desire for security and military supremacy in the US.
>>> For all of us depending on the US government it would be beneficial if
>>> the US participated  and did not let the opportunity to be a dominant
>>> factor. Judging from the cellphone development it might happen.
>> Cellphones are but a toy compared to the impact of LENR to the world
>> order.
>>> First to market will not mean much from economical or impact point of
>>> view.
>> Competition, greed, and fear are what push the affairs of men in these
>> modern times.
>>> A good concept with enough backing of capital, management and marketing
>>> will be key-factors once the technical issues are understood - parallel
>>> with optimal
>> You did not mention national security, classification, regulation, the
>> Kock brothers. and the nuclear regulatory agency (NRC ) as factors in this
>> upcoming turn of events..

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