Am Samstag, 23. September 2006 21:28 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> >We could. But we also allready asked on debian-legal and those
> >said that the
> >data may be GPL and may be not. The only safe way to find out
> >would be by
> >contacting the copyright holders.
> >Feel free to write them a mail and CC it to this list...
> >And don't forget to send any answers you get from them also to us.
> You got the mail from debian-legal?  Perhaps you can post that to
> the list?
Christian found a link to the online archives:

(But I think there was another (2nd) thread, I just can't find it.)

> >(If I remember correctly Gna only allows GPLed stuff on their
> >servers for
> >legal reasons.)
> Yeah, and Christian brought up the fact that we (Qamly it looks
> like) *already* converted the data.
Come on. Don't blame Qamly for anything.
The Sound got converted from WAV to OGG, the textures got converted from PCX 
to PNG, the AI was changed, the LEV files were changed to improve the 
multiplayer map support. I bet there are more changes than these.

> Without that utility, then 
> there is no way for linux/mac people to play if they score their
> own wdg files.
Without the data being GPL we don't even need to talk any further about it.

> >Why not? As I said in the last mail the approach in general is
> >common
> >practice.
> Common practice in Germany perhaps, just not here in the U.S.
Seems you are wrong. The initial idea is from an US american.

> The only way to force them to reply is a lawsuit of some kind, that
> asks the courts for clarification.  Extremely expensive though. :(
I don't want to take it that far.


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