Am Samstag, 23. September 2006 06:10 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I just had a thought, perhaps we can get ahold of:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for questions about the GPL and free software
> licensing
> Maybe they can help us out with some advice and what to do/how to
> proceed ?
We could. But we also allready asked on debian-legal and those said that the 
data may be GPL and may be not. The only safe way to find out would be by 
contacting the copyright holders.
Feel free to write them a mail and CC it to this list...
And don't forget to send any answers you get from them also to us.

> Worst case scenerio is we can ONLY distribute the source code/bins
> of the source code, and that is it, then we leave it up to the end-
> users to get the data off of warzone demo or the official CD
> release, or have some repository that can hold the data we now have
> there.
(If I remember correctly Gna only allows GPLed stuff on their servers for 
legal reasons.)

> This then would more or less be a clean room approach.
> Then everyone would have to get the data themselves.  No more GPL
> issues at all right?
Yes. A not very user friendly approach, but possible.

The problem that arises from this for us, is that we can't be sure if we are 
allowed to recreate the data. Because someone holds the copyright on what I 
call "the game", means the story and characters. We have no permission to use 

> I don't think I have seen Virgil on this mailing list, but anyone
> know if he still has Alex's e-mail address?
I allready asked him for any info he can provide on the other forums. Let's 
hope he answers and has something to offer.

> Since he is mentioned 
> specifically by name, I think he would be out best bet to get in
> touch of what we all assume is the (c) holder now.
Yes, if someone can find out who that is and how to contact him.

I think I'll send some more mails out to Pivotal and Eidos, I don't know if 
that will help, but what is time if there were 2 years allready passing by?

> It was Eidos UK & Pumpkin (who is also in the UK right?) that gave 
> the OK I thought.  I mean for original release.
It was Eidos Europe which today seems to be splited into several companies all 
around Europe. But the management responsible for all of those seems to be at 
Eidos UK, yes. (
And at least Pivotal is in the UK.

> Why would German law pre-empt UK law?  Or does that not matter?
> For that matter, US law vs UK law vs German law?  What is the
> difference for these kinds of matters?
I decided to write to Eidos Germany because I live there, I know the language 
and the mail is cheaper.
The idea is not to put Warzone under German law or anything. I just want to 
force the Eidos company to decide something and I think I can do that best 
when I write in German, because then I know what I am writing.

> I know here, you need to have a actual written letter, and it must
> be certified,
Yes, I thought that in the beginning and I know now. If I do it it will be a 
written, certified mail.

> and I agree with Christian, I don't think you can do it that way.
Why not? As I said in the last mail the approach in general is common 

> If indeed Eidos gave the rights back to Pivotal, then 
> they would know if they did or not.
Eidos should know that, too. At least IMHO.

> We got any members from the UK 
> who could make a office visit? ;)
That would a _very_ cool thing.
But I bet that you won't find anyone willing to do this, even if we would have 
200 members living in the UK. Petrol is expensive these days.

But such an office visit would probably be the most effective, I agree.

> Maybe we are going about this the wrong way, perhaps we need to
> contact the lawyers for Eidos (UK/US/German/EU?), whoever they may
> be, and ask them for clarification?
You want to contact the legel department of Eidos?
I want to do that too. And I wanted to achieve this by the style the letter is 
written in. Because other mails begging for clarification did not go past the 
mail opening woman in the entry hall it seems.
If you know the mail address of their lawyers than I could send it directly...

> Maybe we would get a response if we use  "Press - [EMAIL PROTECTED]"?
That is Eidos USA, isn't it?
I won't write there, because sending a letter over the ocean while others sit 
right next to their office sounds not very sensible.
So if someone living in the USA is willing to contact Eidos USA, then have a 
But as you said yourself, the original release was decided by Eidos Europe and 
not Eidos USA...

> Now, what is worse, warzone's code, or this legal stuff? :p
I don't know anymore...


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