Hi all,

I'm glad the "Ready for the switch to git?" email spawned a lively 
discussion, and that a lot of people tried to actually use git. Below 
are replies to different people, bundled together to prevent me from 
repeating myself:

Zarel wrote:
> 2009/3/13 Stephen Swaney <sswa...@centurytel.net>
>> The ability to branch freely is great but without a primary location
>> for the source keeping track of who is 'it' sounds difficult. How do
>> we keep all the package maintainers connected to what is going on?
> I echo this. Having a single repository makes sure conflicts get
> resolved quickly. If we don't have that, then what do we have? Several
> versions of Warzone, each incompatible with each other, and no way to
> easily merge them?
That's the best part, we *do* have a way to easily merge them. Git is 
designed to make this easy.
> I mean, I wouldn't mind having my local copy as a separate repo, but
> it should be merged with trunk fairly quickly. In short, I prefer the
> current way.
I think all active developers will fetch from everyone daily so we will 
have a smooth flow of commits. Despite everyone telling that it works 
I'm really curious myself how well it does. The central repository is a 
good fallback if it turns out not to.
> In addition, Git doesn't have anywhere near as good a Windows GUI as
> TortoiseSVN. I like being able to diff/blame/make-patch in around two
> clicks. Committing is two clicks. Unless you only want to commit some
> files, in which case it gives a list with a bunch of checkboxes. All
> versioned files are checked by default, and there are buttons to check
> all, none, or versioned only.
You definitely did not try git gui and gitk. You won't have to go to the 
commandline for your everyday tasks.
- Right click on the folder with your repository -> git gui
- Make some changes, click Rescan.
- Click the icon in front of the changed files you want to commit, or 
click "Stage Changed" to add them all
- Write a commit message in the textbox
- Click commit

When you want to push your commits:
- Remote -> Push
- Push

For the blame:
- Repository -> browse * files
- Click a file

I never used git gui, and I was able to figure it out quickly. Give it a 
try. Don't be afraid to ask, either in #warzone2100-dev or #git. 
(helpful people over there)

Elio Gubser wrote:
> I'd like to stick with svn. The only _really_ issue is buggy's
> connection problems. We should only tackle this problem and not create
> new ones with introducing a completely different vcs.
> At least I am very happy with svn (and gna)
I really feel restricted by svn. (I probably already told everyone a few 
times). It feels like being stuck on windows when you are used to linux, 
like being stuck on ice without ice skates, like programming in Visual 
Basic, like eating soup without a spoon. (no offense to the people who 
regularly do these things, especially to the ones without a spoon)

You might not yet feel the restrictions (yet), but in my opinion it is 
best to use the most powerful tool/language/vcs from the start, rather 
than waiting until you need it. It might take some time getting used to 
it, but when you need the complicated features at least you are ready 
for it.

bugs buggy wrote:
> Another Q, what are these (core.autocrlf & core.safecrlf ) supposed to
> be set at?   Svn tracks what they are (either CR or CR+LF),  git don't
> have this, so how do we know what to set these values at ?  What
> happens if some are CR and some are CR+LF?  Or did Gerard fix this on
> the initial repo dump?
I believe git internally uses LF, and you can ask it to convert it to 
another format when you checkout. It seems to work but you might have to 
do a git reset --hard (it's a scary name for a simple command) if git 
diff shows changes on all lines of all files.



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