On 3/13/09, Dennis Schridde <devuran...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 13. März 2009 23:12:58 schrieb bugs buggy:
>  > This is a good point.  If we don't have a centralized repo, then I am
>  > not sure how we can 'control' (for the lack of a better word) what the
>  > distros ship out.
> IMO there is a little bit of misinformation here...
>  Did someone actually read what I wrote in my last email?

Nope, skipped to the end.  (whoops!)

>  I never saw a distro (besides Ubuntu, but ...) ship a version directly from
>  SVN, did you?
>  So why would the VCS we are using make a difference here?
>  I will repeat myself, and tell you again what the current proposals are:
>  1) Have a someone maintain the mainline repository on Gitorious and prepare
>  releases from there.
>  Or my favourite:
>  2) Assign a release maintainer (practically we already did that for 2.0 and
>  2.1), and he will fetch all the loose ends from the dev repos and for version
>  X his repository will be what becomes the official version.
>  2 is my favourite, because it is the freemost variant, dead simple, not too
>  much additional workload, we can easily shift the load around, ..., etc.
>  If we had someone insane in the team, or someone being paid for it, 1 would
>  probably be the first logical solution, since (s)he would devote their
>  lifetime to the game anyway. But since we don't 2 looks a lot more promising
>  to me.

Sounds ok, I am just not sure how we can shift the load around, since
we don't really have enough people to shift the load, and the same
people end up doing it all the time, and when those people are away,
then we are sorta stuck, until someone else picks up the slack.

Perhaps, doing it the 'git' way is a bit more complex to understand
how to organize everything.

AFAIK, we all need to make accounts with gitorious, then we do a clone
to grab everything.   Do we need to be assigned/attached to the
project first, or can we do that after the clone?

Once that is pulled down, we have our own copy of whatever is on
gitorious, just like if we were to do a svn checkout.

Now, if we pulled down everything, do we do:
git branch  <- lists all branches
git branch 2.2 <--I want to work in this one
git checkout 2.2 <- set it to this one.
now, how do we work with the files, since they are still in the main directory.
I mean, I know how git handles it, but how do external programs handle this?
It looks like we must do a git clone some\new\directory, from the
initial clone directory, then work in some\new\directory, and when
your are done with that, you push the changes to the initial cloned
stuff, and then push upstream correct?

Another Q, what are these (core.autocrlf & core.safecrlf ) supposed to
be set at?   Svn tracks what they are (either CR or CR+LF),  git don't
have this, so how do we know what to set these values at ?  What
happens if some are CR and some are CR+LF?  Or did Gerard fix this on
the initial repo dump?

Lastly, about .gitignore.  I assume we should add all the windows
specific stuff to that ( *.obj, *.lib, *.exe, *.htm, *.pdb, *idb,
*.ilk, *.res, *.manifest, most likely some others as well)...

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