Am Samstag, 14. März 2009 02:55:26 schrieb bugs buggy:
> On 3/13/09, Dennis Schridde <> wrote:
> >  Am Samstag, 14. März 2009 01:30:39 schrieb bugs buggy:
> >  > I mean, I know how git handles it, but how do external programs
> >  > handle this?
> >
> > Which external programs do you refer to? And which issue might they have?
> When you clone the repo at gitorius now,  it has trunk, 2.2, lua, and
> whatever else in it right?
> In the directory where you cloned to, it don't show 'trunk' / 'lua' or
> whatever directory, it just shows what looks like a snapshot of trunk.
> Now, if I want to work with lua stuff, I can't do a 'cd lua' and see
> all files there.  I need to somehow export that (or clone the specific
> branch) to a new directory, so it has all the files required to build
> the lua branch.  Then, I can work on it as normal.
> Then, when I get done with the changes I have made in that new
> directory, I push those changes back to the original cloned copy that
> I did, and finally, push that upstream.
> Is that a bit clearer?
Yes, it is, thanks!

It is also not the common approach. Usually one does "git checkout <branch>" 
to set the current working copy to the other branch, then work on that, 
commit/stash/etc and later return to the original branch via "git checkout".


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